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301 Tukuche French Meadow 302 Tukuche Entrance, Mani Wall, Carved Wooden Balcony, Jerome Ryan Drinking A Coke 303 Jerome Ryan Trekking On Kali Gandaki Riverbed After Tukuche 304 Dhaulagiri From Just Before Khobang 305 Dhaulagiri Close Up From Just Before Khobang
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303 Jerome Ryan Trekking On Kali Gandaki Riverbed After Tukuche  [18 of 23]

After passing through Tukuche, Jerome Ryan walked along the broad Kali Gandaki riverbed until I noticed the other trekkers were using the trail on the cliff side. Luckily I crossed a few streams and scrambled back to the trail without getting my boots wet.
303 Jerome Ryan Trekking On Kali Gandaki Riverbed After Tukuche After passing through Tukuche, Jerome Ryan walked along the broad Kali Gandaki riverbed until I noticed the other trekkers were using the trail on the cliff side. Luckily I crossed a few streams and scrambled back to the trail without getting my boots wet.